Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Game Development Pipeline Update

Greetings readers,

Between college finals and some personal family issues, I've had little to no time for game development and managing the blog. I'm getting better though, I plan to do weekly updates!

Now to share what I have been working on. I believe in working on several projects simultaneously to avoid stagnation.

First up is a fantasy top-down arcade shooter similar to Binding of Issac in regards to combat. This is the barest of the builds, with only the basic movement, basic attack and the screen transition when the player enters a new room.

The second project is a fantasy platformer. This game build is more developed, with a rain effect that has collision for the raindrops and the characters. It also has a basic inventory, health and armor system, a shield blocking and sword swing mechanic, and a basic patrolling enemy AI that attacks the player when in range.

Finally, an update on Tavern Trouble!

  • Music
  • Customers leave a random tip when they have been served.
  • Customers display a checkmark when they are satisfied and ready to be taken to the exit.
  • Customers ask for an apple or a beer when they are seated.
  • Customers display a thumbs down icon when they have not been seated for a prolonged amount of time.

 Game demos will be available soon for each of the games above. Stay tuned for updates on development and new blog posts!


Alexander Weidlein                                                                                                                                                                                  

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